Coach Poorter has been cast out like space garbage and Planet Orange is burning a whole light brighter. The players are using words like "freedom" and "fun!" Yes, it is the PaperClips, and yes they are injured, and just a flat out horrible team, but the Suns look like they have just been released from Porterwitz- straight up running for their lives and the Fredstrom couldn't be happier.
The Suns body language is different, they are having fun again. The Suns are smiling more and there are plenty of high-fives to go around. The Suns are communicating better on defense and it is showing. They are mixing up the defense with a steady balance of man-to-man and zone. Their points in the paint have been redonkulous not to mention their assist per game and shooting percentage.
Even though the games haven't been close, Gentry seems less afraid to play his bench than both Porter and D'Antoni, this should allow the starters, mostly Nash and Shaq to have fresher legs during those late 4th quarter minutes. The Fredstrom likes! You don't see Poopovich or the Phil panic and put their stars in with more than 8 mins to go in the fourth, they come in well rested and usually finish strong. The more the bench plays the more confidence they get-the better they will be-the more rest the starters will get, etc. Shoot, Nash already looks 10 years younger...and his turnovers are way down, he just looks cleaner.

On the flip side whipping the Clips twice and even beating Oak City tomorrow doesn't mean a whole lot. How will the Suns show up against the Celts on Sunday? Will this team be able to move up into a 3, 4, or 5 seed in the West? With the Hornets dumping salary, T-Mac out for the season, Manu and his health problems, The Oden's bone chips, and the underachieving Jazz, the Suns may just do it. Either way, it's fun to be a Suns fan again and it's exciting to see what the next thirty games will bring! Your thoughts?