If the Fredstrom wanted to watch low scoring games he would just go watch soccer! Score some runs! The Fredstrom thought that they were going to steal bases, bunt people over and try to manufacture runs!
Even though it's early the Fredstrom is concerned. So far the D-Backs are:
27th in Batting avg. (.225)
27th in walks drawn
27th in runs scored (24)
19th in strikeouts (46)
19th in ERA (5.43)
18th in fielding percentage (4 errors so far)
So let's set the expectations for the year really low, that way we won't be disappointed.
Let's face it... already they are 2-5 and all these have been home games! That projects to be a 62 win season!
The Suns have been depressing, the D-Backs are promising to be the same, what does the Fredstrom look forward to?
Oh yeah...summer movies! Let's take a look at the upcoming May movies that excited the Fredstrom. Here's the countdown.
4. Angels & Demons- May 15th- Author Dan Brown has written this prequel of the Da Vinci Code. Although highly controversial, (and fictional) it was an entertaining story. This one should be interesting. Robert Langdon (Hanks) helps stop a secret society from trying to destroy the Vatican.
3. Terminator Salvation- May 21st- Loved T2, thought T3 had some pretty crazy special effects. The Fredstrom is only seeing this based on the coat tails of T2 and that Christian Bale is an incredible actor. It's set in post-Apocalyptic 2018, where John Connor (Bale) has to figure out if a stranger he meets has been sent from the future of rescued from the past.
2. Night at the Museum 2- May 22- The first one was awesome and The Fredstrom has missed Ben Stiller. The Fredstrom appreciates the historical components to these movies. This one is set in Washington D.C. at the Smithsonian, should be interesting.
1.Up by Pixar- May 29- If Pixar touches it, The Fredstrom is highly interested. It's about an old man (voice by Christopher Plummer) that tries to live out his deceased wife's dream of mountain exploring, befriending an adventurous boy along the way. Like Wall-E not your stereotypical animated plot...increasing the Fredstrom's anticipation!