Much to the Fredstrom's dismay he is picking the Lakers to win the championship in five games. That's right Lakers in 5. Here's why...
With the Finals format the Celtics will get games 1 and 2 at home then have to play the next 3 on the road. The Celts lost their first 6 playoff road games and only got over on Detroit because of Billups hobbling and Hamilton's elbow injury. They flat out stink on the road.
The Lakers have shown they can win on the road, just ask the Jazz who had the best home record this year. The Lakers haven't lost at home (8-0) this year in the playoffs either.
The Celtics are over rated..they play in the East, they barely got over Atlanta-the worst team to ever make the playoffs, barely got over Lebron James who played by himself, and could only beat a hobbling Piston's team.
The Lakers on the other hand rose to the top seed in the strongest conference in NBA history. They rolled through Denver (who was better than Atlanta), came over the Jazz (who was better than the Lebrons), and destroyed the defending champion Spurs (who beat a healthy Pistons in the Finals of '05).
The Fredstrom doesn't want to hear about the Celtics defense...how had their defense fared so far this post season?
Lakers 12-3 this postseason...Celtics 12-8- again against lesser opponents.
Agree? Disagree? Bring it!
Kobe has to warm up a little for this prediction to come true...it's possible and probable.
Well the Lakers aren't off to a smooth start. The Fredstrom wasn't real impressed with the Celtics 4th quarter close out abilities. They gave up 7 three pointers and 41 points... momentum for game 3. The Fredstrom will predict the backdoor sweep. The Lakers will hold home court and steal game 6 in Boston.
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