With or without Adam Dunn the D-Backs are in serious trouble. Both Muchacho sucio and the Fredstrom think the D-Backs are not going to hold off the Dodgers and will fall out of the playoff picture. Adding a .233 hitter isn't going to do much, especially when you can't protect him in the line up. The D-Backs are hitting .251 as a team (26th in MLB, Dodgers are 21st). Not only that the Dodgers are 1st in ERA(3.65) with the D-backs 11th(3.97). Did the Fredstrom mention that Manny is batting .459, has 4 homers and 11 RBI's for the Dodgers in just 9 games?
Do you think Dunn will make a difference? Don't forget to vote on the World Series winner.
Yes, Dunn will make a difference....he will help bring us a record....most strikeouts in the league. What a dumb trade! We should have picked up Barry
Diamond! Scary Barry? Roid-Rage Barry? You are right about Dunn, nice job last night with the winning runs aboard with a ground out!
Meanwhile Nomar hits a walk-off for the Dodgers moving them into a tie for first...
The Dodgers have been drafting behind the tired D-Backs all season...it's their time to do a little "SHAKE AND BAKE!"
Yes, I agree, I would love to see the next "Magic Man" on the D-back's field
Brandon Lyon is DUNN! Don't give the Fredstrom any more "D-Backs are going to clinch the NL West." Now they can score a few more runs per game...great...but the bullpen rivals the Saudi Arabian little league pitchers! Memo to Bo-Mel... pick up a real relief pitcher! Papa grande anyone? Doesn't look like a great move now....League leader in saves for Chris Burke? Come on!
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