Corduroy Pillows Causing Headlines!
Okay blog fans, The Fredstrom’s blog is venturing into uncharted territory: H-E-Double Hockey sticks! The Fredstrom sent his most trusted scary movie associate, BadBrad, into Hades to watch Drag Me to Hell. Unfortunately, Drag Me to Hell was literally what seeing that movie felt like for the BadBrad. He reports:
That old ladies get really upset when declined for credit extensions, so much so that they will hide in the back seat of your car so that they can (A) Put a curse on you, and (B) gnaw on your neck with their nasty old gums cause their dentures fall out!
Of course curse protocol requires a consultation with your local witch doctor and an appointment for a séance. This séance doesn’t go as planned, sending the sacrificial goat on an angry talking-rampage? AWKWARD!
The BadBrad apologies for ruining this movie (although it’s hard to ruin a movie that was already ruined) for anyone who still wishes to see it. Unless you enjoy decrepit nasty-old ladies, maggot puke, insects entering orifices, raging goats, and gaping holes in the earth sucking a woman down to into fiery hell, then please take his word for it…it’s not worth the cheddar or your time. The BadBrad mercifully gives Drag Me To Hell -2 Picasso’s for the number of suspenseful jumpy parts.