Well? The Fredstrom is not quite sure what to say, sure he could talk about the Suns putting on their blinkers, veering right and moving into the slow lane, or how the Diesel has looked great in the garage, but he would rather get the readers involved to hear their thoughts. Thoughts to ponder: Is Shaq a good fit? Could the Suns compete in the West without him? Is this a knee-jerk reaction to the Gasol-Laker deal? Anything else? Give it to the Fredstrom! It's time for the readers to bring it!
I'm upset.... I couldn't believe they got Shaq. Happy that Steve Kerr is going to be involved and take risks to get this team a ring, but Shaq?? C'mon, you've got to be kidding me. Shaq is just going to slow things down for 20-25 min a game. I don't think he brings a whole lot of defense just intimidation. Plus not to mention how he is going to hog the lane for Leandro and Nash. They need a defender and all they got was a big slow shiny toy.
The Fredstrom hears ya. The radios have been blowing up with everyone weighing in their thoughts. The Nation is mostly negative, the Valley is mostly positive IF Shaq can be healthy and give them that 20-25 min/game. It sounds like Steve Kerr and D'Antoni aren't as concerned about Shaq's health. They believe their conditioning program combined with Shaq's new motivation will be the key to success. It will be interesting, look how well the Suns did against a good Hornets team without Shaq and Marion, plus they gave up like 20 more shots to the Hornets and only lost by 2.
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