In the wake of Grand Theft Game One: San Antonio, The Frustrated would like to write about something positive, VERY positive. The Arizona D-Backs and the D stands for Dominating!
Check out these stats.
Current record 13-4
MLB Ranks
Hits 4th
Homeruns 2nd
Triples 1st
Bat. Avg. 2nd
Walks drawn 3rd
SLG % 1st
OBP% 2nd
Wins Tied 1st
ERA 1st
Strikeouts 7th
Walks T-3rd
Not sure if you caught the last 2 games but the D-Backs have been putting up a lot of runs...this is sweat shop production-like. Talk about output. It is a lot of fun to watch and The Frustrated is very excited to see this season play out.
Hypomanic Squirrel likes the DBack color integration, but would prefer that the color enhancement would accent BOTH Suns and Diamondbacks colors...
Hopefully The Fredstrom is in a better place mentally compared to yesterday. Till Tuesday...
Big Mama's been "takin' care of business" and has not been able to read anything let alone respond. Babysitting an almost 3 year old is nostop hard work, especially when your Grandma and can't say no!
Juicebox, you are my hero. You do this every day.
There has been no sports on my TV all weekend, only Handy Manny and Thomas the Train. No comment!
Glad you got all that off your chest, Frustrated. It must have been weighing heavy. You gotta be wiped out. Save some of that energy for the big win.
Squirrel, I love the pic. I now have an image to go with the name!
Looking forward to Tuesday when the house returns to normal. Maybe then I will venture a comment.
Big Mama, The Frustrated can't wait til Tuesday either, but for different reasons...the Suns will even the score against the defending chumps.
Good to see you in the blog. Hopefully the blog has been keeping you up to date on the sports that you are missing. See you in the morning for field day.
The Fredstrom is going to try not to take his frustrations out on the kids during tug-o-war! It could be ugly.
It's good to see the Squirrel back! It is difficult to integrate all the colors without making the blog look like an acid trip...not that The Fredstrom knows...Whitney Houston told him that. See you tomorrow as well...Quiznos?
The D-Backs have taken care of business again. They won Monday and Tuesday and continue to roll. Thank goodness for the D-backs! They make being a Phoenix sports fan not as depressing.
The Fredstrom is feeling a little excitement about dedicating more time to this young and fun team after the NBA playoffs finish up. It might be sooner than later...?
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