The Suns have signed former NBA guard Terry Porter to a 3 yr. deal to help navigate Planet Orange toward the promise land. Mr. Porter brings a 71-93 head coaching record to Phx. Most recently Mr. Porter was Detroit Pistons lead assistant coach so we know that means Planet Orange will be paying more attention to defense and may be play more than 7 guys. Steve Kerr says that Mr. Porter is a great communicator, maybe he can communicate the importance of team defense? Let's hope that he can communicate in a way that gets results...like playoff wins!
Will the Suns veterans respect a "green" coach? Will the Suns improve defensively? The Fredstrom still thinks the Suns will make the playoffs but only behind L.A., New Orleans, Utah, and possibly San Antonio. Not sure if Terry Porter is the man to get the Suns over, remember their window is maybe one more year...then what? Good luck Mr. Porter, you'll need it.
Moving on to the D-Backs, Mark Reynolds is batting .379 in June with 8 hits and 7 RBI's as well. Unfortunately his efforts have not been contagious...the D-Backs are 3-5 in June. Good news is that the N.L. West is horrible... the D-Backs are still 3.5 games up on the Dodgers.
GrapeJuice is back, I mean BIG BROWN....Juiceman has had a lot of time to think about stuff, and before I comment on Mr. Porter, I need to go to the lake and relax some....I am getting very negative against sports these days....That referee Dude is now saying what the Juiceman has thought all along.....seems he is now saying that the 02 playoff games were fixed,, and now Big Brown for some unknown reason quits in the middle of the biggest race of his life, and NO ONE knows why.....sorry The Fredstrom not to bring some sorrow to the BLOG, but I need to step back some and go fishing, Let me hear from the Squirrel, and my knee is doing better thanks...3 more weeks on the crutches...somebody bring me some positives at there...Big Brown is OUT!!!!!
Okay, so this is so biased, but i cannot contain myself!!! let's hear it for my fellow pointer...mr. porter!!! yep, that's right he and i both graced the hallowed halls of University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. For four-and-a-half long years I would walk by the photo that they had of him posted in Quant fieldhouse.
It is soooooooo nice to have him here...it makes me one of the happiest pointers this side of the Wisconsin River!!! Drink Point Bock!
So I give a huge Welcome, Terry!!! my favorite homecoming grand marshall...now if he can just seal the deal. it's one thing to be the grand marshall of a central wisconsin university...it will be so much cooler to see him holding...dare I say...the NBA trophy...gasp!!! no pressure!!!
First let the Fredstrom address the Juice Box...yes both he and Big Brown have a bad limb but The Juice Man's conspiracy-centered brain needs repair also! You go and take a vacation from the blog and come back with that? You are better than that...besides it gets the Fredstrom down: (
For the Tornado... The Fredstrom is glad that you have a connection with the Porter. Can you get the Fredstrom some more Suns tickets so he can bring the Squirrel, the Blackhole, eeeelicious, The Juicer, Bling Blang, and of course you the TORNADO!
The Fredstrom hopes you are right about your boy. We shall see...
Also, Lakers take game 3. The Celts played horrible and were still in the game...Phil needs to do some adjustments but The Fredstrom still sees the Lakers holding home court for the next two games.
The Juiceman says....oh little the Fredstrom.....someday the TRUTH will set you free!!!!!
Okay Juice Man.. Let's set up a scale...let's say that you are a 100 on the "conspiracy" scale... the Fredstrom (Pre-Juice), was a 0. You have managed to move the Fredstrom to a "20". The Laker/Kings playoff game that has come into question, you know the one where the Lakers shot 27 free throws in the 4th Quarter ALONE!, has brought the Fredstrom some more skeptical glasses. Baby steps Juiceman...The Fredstrom doesn't want to believe in grand conspiracies... ignorance is bliss!
THE GrapeJuice wants THe Fredstrom to stay at 20 percent....We need you to keep the Blog going...I will stay at 100 percent and that will Keep a good ratio....Keep the FAITH my man.....Word out...
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