Thursday, July 24, 2008

Holy Amazing Movie Batman!

Wow! Where does the Fredstrom start? Let's start with the acting... Heath Ledger was incredible!  He had so many little nuances, probably improv, that made his character so intriguing.  Talk about CRAZY dark and CRAZY evil.  Watching this movie knowing that Heath has past was eerie... it felt just plain weird. Christian Bale was just vanilla for the Fredstrom, his Batman voice is a little awkward. However, Batman has some pretty cool toys in this flick.  The Fredstrom wants Batman's little motorbike!

Morgan Freeman and Michael Cane were both great supporting characters to our masked hero.
Rivaling Ledger, only to later join him was Aaron Eckhart-playing Harvey Dent.  Just in case you haven't seen the movie the Fredstrom won't spoil Dent's misfortune.
Dark Knight was also amazing for these reasons: well developed plot, incredible score by Hans Zimmer (Gladiator, Rain Man, and many others) and amazing special effects, not computer generated explosions or car wrecks, real explosions.  Not sure the city of Chicago will ever be the same.

For all these reasons the Dark Knight earns a whopping 9 Picasso's...that's the most so far!


Anonymous said...

I COMPLETELY agree, and LOVED the movie, and am so glad that you mentioned Batman's voice - I'm a huge Christian Bale fan, but have always thought that was weird, and completely unnecessary... Otherwise, GREAT movie - Heath Ledger was amazing -

The Fredstrom said...

Does Michael's mom recommend that the Fredstrom use that voice all day with his students? Do you think they will be more attentive?

Anonymous said...

Well, they'd be more something... Creeped out maybe... :-)

Anonymous said...

thank you. i haven't had a chance to go see it yet, and it was nice to read your blog...with no spoilers. i am so tired of spoilers this summer...and i'm not talking about the veggies in my fridge! guess i know what i'm going to see on my next day off! hope that comes before the batman flies away!

The Fredstrom said...

Holy tornado sounds like something Robin would say to Batman! The Fredstrom has to apologize to the readers if he spoils any movies before you all get to see them (the Happening). He will try to do a better job!