Monday, April 7, 2008

D-Backs Win Home Opener by Bringing the Whoopin Sticks!

While the Fredstrom calms down from his existential meltdown he would like to address the Arizona Diamondbacks!  They have started 5-2, hitting 16 homers (leading the majors), and their pitching staff (except Lyon) have looked stellar.  The D-Backs have won 4 in a row and look to continue the streak this week against the Dodgers and the Crockies.  The Fredstrom won't start posting the baseball standings for a long while, however, the D-Backs are 1st in the NL West and the Fredstrom is excited to not only see them play in person tomorrow, but to see how far they will go in the playoffs this year!  Any other areas you would like to discuss?


Anonymous said...

The Juiceman says nice job to The Squirell for his tidbits on each and every series outcome.....Like I said I have to agree....don't see anyone out beating the suns in a 7 game series.....also, nice to the Fredstrom...good to see some love for the D_BACKS...what can you say about Double D tonight........and lastly, has anyone heard from BIG MAMA!!!!!!

GiveMeSportsOrGiveMeDeath said...

im impressed with the backs so far..and im pretty stoked im going to the game saturday.. zach let me know if your gonna be there so i can holla at cha!

The Fredstrom said...

The D-Backs did it again tonight! Doug Davis looked great and got himself out of a little trouble in that 6th inning. The D-Backs are going to be a lot of fun this year. That line-up 1-5 is strong. Good to see The Farney and the Juicer teeing off. The Fredstrom is also wondering where the Big Mama is at?
The Fredstrom will definitely give the Farney a holla if he goes to the game.

The Fredstrom said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Big Mama checked in way too early last night. I missed all the action!
Orange and purple are two of my favorite colors and I follow very loosely - (not into it like Squirrel and the Fredstrom.) Baseball is my game and both my teams wear red. Don't think I'll make any games though. How about you, Juice?

The Fredstrom said...

Big MAMA in the House! Both your teams wear red? The D-Backs and the Reds? No...the Phillies?! Why won't you make it to any games? Don't you know the Fredstrom has the hook-ups?

The D-Backs win again today, but this time not with the bats, but with the solid arms on the bump. Props to the pitching staff for holding it down. Congrats to the D-backs for having the best record and baseball so far! Keep voting!