Then Tuesday night Shaq was ready for takeoff again only to hit the brakes at the last minute. Watch this video and see the Suns bench completely scatter. They don't just run out of the way, they fall over each other into a pile at the end of the bench. It was hilarious! Check it out.
As far as the game goes. Just what the doctor ordered. A good win that allowed the starters to get some rest, important considering the Warriors come to town Thursday night. Not that the Cubs are a great shooting team but the Suns defense seems to have stepped up a notch. Good win...a little more momentum...the Diesel and Planet Orange are building speed as they shift into second gear. The Fredstrom will start attaching the current standings below as we head down the playoff stretch. Click to see full size.

WOW!!!! JuiceBox says it is nice to hear the Fredstrom so HAPPY...Hey Erica thanks for finally comming aboard the Fredstrom X-press....The Juiceman thinks he likes the new and improved Fredstrom...Don't think you need to attach the playoff seedings just yet thou...a lot can happen between now and then... Don't go brackettology on me now. Let's not worry about where the Suns are now...let's just enjoy this mini run they are on...Keep the positive comments comming...GrapeJuice wants to know how the Rhino was?.....OUT
Look Orental...the standings are just to put the blog into context. The readers are curious about where the Suns are in relation to the other teams, plus the other info is interesting to look at as well. Think of it as a roadmap to trace our steps. Since you already have it memorized or think it's too soon, they you just need to turn away from the bottom of the post. From now on all NBA blogs will be TV-J rated!
Dear the fredstrom,
The Suns are my best team. It is fun when the players put the ball in the basket. Steve Nash is my favorite when he passes the ball to the players. I like it when Shaq jumps on the people when he dove for the ball. The gorilla is funny when he does his flips.
Hypomanic Squirrel
I like the suns too! I think their outfits are really pretty. I love the way Steve Nash passes the ball to everyone. He is really good! I especially like it when he slobbers all over his fingers before he shoots a free throw. It seems to help him make the shot. Maybe Shaq should have Steve lick his fingers before he shoots a free throw.
We earthlings need to have faith in our friends from planet orange. They are slowly finding their way back to becoming the team they were pre-Shaq. I think we will all be satisfied with the outcome of this season! Thanks to the Fredstrom for his insight. I am surprised he fits through doors with a brain that big. Juiceman...see you in 3rd.
This might be neither here nor there, but it's on my mind and it pertains to basketball, so...
The award for basketball's version of Mr. Irrelevant this year undoubtedly goes to a certain Mr. Chris Webber. Narrowly beating out Keith Van Horn and Penny Hardaway, I was browsing through the articles and was simply *sarcastic tones inserted here* shocked to read that Chris was once again having knee problems and out of tonights lineup.
Don't worry Chris Webber, I'm sure that your knee will "heal" a couple of games before the end of the regular season; enabling you to slow down the fastest team in the NBA just in time to systematically destroy any chance of them making the playoffs. Kudos to Chris Mullen for paying 400K for 9 games and 3.9 ppg.
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