Britney Spears isn't the only one experiencing a meltdown. The Suns have gone to Prime Time Network TV for a successful spot on the Biggest Loser. They are 3-5 in their last 8. They haven't gone 3-5 since Dec. 2007, and did it twice last season. Last season those losses occurred without Steve Nash. His assists are down by 6 a game, shooting % is down as well. Steve doesn't seem to be able to score at will like he used to. Assists must be difficult when Shaq, Raja, Boris, and Leondro couldn't throw the rock into the ocean. Will someone tell the Fredstrom whatsa going on? (Oh, and let's not count blowing a 23 pt. lead over the Blazers to win by a couple of free throws a feel good win.)
The Fredstrom is feeling sick over this ugly brand of basketball. He is actually looking forward to Spring Training and the Diamondbacks. He never thought he would be talking like this but holy cow this is difficult to watch. Watching the Suns of the Diesel era is like watching B.K. Kim in the 2001 World Series, or like watching the Spurs flop around the court with their pacifiers.....yeah it's that bad.

Sleeping with a sick sack,
The Fredstrom
Something caught my eye this morning as my eyes skimmed the limitless potential known as the interweb that caused me to once again become excited that I am a Suns fan. From the devastation of last night, to the sick feeling in my stomach this morning, I now am filled with a sense of hope and anticipation that i have not experienced since Shaq laid out Paul Gasol in game 1 of Dieselgate. I am, of course, talking about Kevin Johnson running for mayor in Sacramento, CA.
The Suns cannot be paralleled to the Biggest Loser, considering the fact that they have not come from a place of no-self esteem or self-control to a place full of confidence, crystal light, and sun chips. What they ARE like is that one sad, slightly-odd, loner-type individual that shows up on survivor every year only to get kicked off in the first three episodes for failure to win any tribal challenges or make any meaningful alliances.
I'm going to eat breakfast now, preferably with a roll and coffee or some tea.
Andy Petit Dejeuner...
The Suns have NOT come from a place of low self-esteem? Have you not been watching the playoffs the last couple of years? Remember Joe Johnson breaking his face and Nash getting checked into the scorers table? Stat and Boris Duh sitting out that game 5? Jean Girard you better put down the crepes and get your head right! Using HGH to comeback from an injury...SHEEESH!
self esteem, according to dictionary.com, is a term used to describe the amount of realistic respect or favorable impression one has of him/herself.
While the Suns have been mentally and physically SOFT these past couple of years, they have by no means been in situations on par with Anna Nicole Smith in a doughnut shop.
Think about it. When Steve Nash was pushed into the boards, who rushed to his aide OUTSIDE of any bench player? If they were already on the court, might one assume a responsibility to protect the team's fearless leader.
I'm sorry for the tough truths, but what can i say, my crepes are precious to me...
The Fredstrom is not even sure what to say about this... Anna Nicole...dictionary.com... who is this A Petit? Keep em coming...
The Juiceman is confused....we are suppose to be talking about the Suns....and you guys are talking doughnuts and creme puffs, and english danishes, or whatever the heck you eat.....maybe if you would eat steak and eggs for breakfast, you guys would see that the Suns are preparing for a seven game series.....the Juicebox still believes the big Saguaro will make a difference when the have to play a team seven times...and the way they are playing, they will be ready for the next series...the old Suns of the years past would run and run and win a series, but they would have nothing left for the next team... look at the last couple of years..they had no energy for the next series and they lost...The big cactus will grind out a series win, and still have the energy for the next series....look at the past 5 championship teams...it is not pretty but it wins...so stop eating cream da le....or whatever petite crap you eat, and go to IHOP and order the big diesel breakfast and enjoy!!!! I am out...
*rolling up sleeves*
Okay, fine, enough with all of the playful crap. You want my honest opinion on the state of the Suns? Here goes…
The argument that the Suns are built to win a seven game series is a good one in theory, but to be honest I’m not sure they will even MAKE the playoffs at this point. Does anyone else realize that the Suns are exactly 3.5 games from the 9th seed in the Western Conference (which, coincidently, belongs to the team that recently served the Suns a big fat plate of embarrassment IN SPITE OF Shaq’s board production)!?
To this, the typical Suns fan would undoubtedly respond with a verbose explanation of how the Suns are currently IN the equivalent of training camp due to bringing in the Big Saguaro. They would continue this train of thought by commenting that the Suns are using this time not to jockey for playoff seeding, but rather to gel as a team and find their rhythm. Unfortunately, this train of thought is strewn with problems. Here’s why:
This is not and cannot be viewed as a “training camp” for the Suns. The beginning of the season, when the rust carried over from training camp can lead to consecutive and exaggerated losses, poses no real threat to the psyche or confidence of a team due to the fact that there are some 40 odd games before the All-Star break to ensure all the kinks are worked out (ie. SA Spurs). While the first half of the season is geared towards fixing the kinks and rotations while maintaining .500 ball, the second half is geared towards building confidence and momentum (ie. SA Spurs, U Jazz, LA Lakers, H Rockets).
The Suns have no confidence, let alone momentum, needed for a sustained playoff campaign. The Big Saguaro himself alluded several times to the fact that teams need to play with a swagger and believe that they are championship-caliber far before they are actually able to accomplish the feat. Between Raja Bell’s shot, Boris Diaw’s being himself, Barbosa’s shot selection, and Steve Nash’s turnovers and forced lack of creativity, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t really worried about this team. More importantly, there is no energy; one doesn’t get the impression the Suns are really having fun together. When the only player that provides the championship-caliber energy needed to win games is Gordan Giricek, my hopes for the Suns impending turnaround remain pessimistic at best.
Don’t get me wrong, I hope the Suns are able to turn this thing around and turn theory into practice. It just seems to be a whole lot of puzzle pieces to figure out and put together while expecting sustained increases in confidence, energy, and swagger.
One things for sure, it should be an interesting 20 game finale.
Please eat your crepes responsibly.
The Fredstrom and the Juice say WOW! The Fredstrom will make a new post after tonight's game, he looks forward to the comments...
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