The Suns could use Jackie Moon right now...oh wait they already made him their general manager! If creating buzz was winning a championship then great, but Fredstrom wants wins not buzz! That Shaq trade is looking really bad right now. If slipping out of the playoffs and being flat out embarrassed night after night doesn't bring on a little effort and pride then The Fredstrom doesn't know what will.
D (Antoni) needs to GO!......he has always been set on playing 7 guys....you can not win in the NBA with only 7 guys...especially if DIAW AND BARBOSA are you two coming off the bench....they arre good but come on...they are not that good everynight.....Outside looking in the SUNS look good....but He only plays his seven puppets....Look at WHO was here or rumored to come here...Jalen Rose, PJ Brown, Jim Jackson, Brent Barry, so on and so on these veterens don't stay or come because the inside scoop is....you wil be promised to play, but COACH doesn't play them....I ask again, why are the Suns not picking up the veterans they covet? Time for a change in the Valley.....
So Juice... what do you think for a coach? Larry Brown? J. Van Gundy? Who else is out there and is that the only answer? Fredstrom would like to see Scottsdale resident Doug Collins over on the side line. What you think?
Fredstrom you ignorant.... whatever. Of course the Suns lost to the Sixers, that Andre Igudala shows a certain magnanimousness that is stunning to behold. The sheer sight of him brings to mind the scene when Legolos beheld Gandalf the White in The Two Towers... Alas, i regress.
Seriously though, I don't know why we lost, it makes me sad...
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